Welcome to the list of supported NetsBlox extensions! Click on one below to try it out!
Show all descriptions Hide all descriptionsUse QR codes to pin sprites to the world!
BeatBlox extends Music Functionality within NetsBlox
WIP - Provides a few utilities that can make sharing projects easier
Transform back and forth with LISP-like code and NetsBlox, based on new features in Snap! v10 (WIP)
Track Faces in images/video using MediaPipe!
Track 3D hand gestures in images/video using MediaPipe!
This extension allows you to automatically hide categories and is particularly useful when setting different visible categories for collaborating users.
Access OpenAI services from blocks
Track 3D full body poses in images/video using MediaPipe!
Networked robotics simulation in the browser! (WIP)
Networked robotics simulation in the browser! (WIP)
Blocks for speech recognition and synthesis
create and visualize state machines
calculate time sync info from the NetsBlox server
Music Notation, Instruments, Drums, Tones, Chords, Tracks, from the University of Virginia (Glen Bull)
Provides blocks for connecting to a device, e.g. an Arduino, over WebSerial
Logs 'When [key] key pressed' block activations for Ben
For more information or to report an issue, please visit github.com/NetsBlox/extensions.